Dorm Representative Interview! ~Being a leader~

国際学生宿舎一橋寮(小平寮)には、皆さんの生活や交流を住み込みでサポートするコミュニティ・アシスタント(CA)とレジデント・アシスタント(RA)が存在します。CAはフロアリーダーとして、居住者の日常生活支援や交流を促進する役割を担います。RAはCAの業務に加え、機能別に分かれているいずれかの班に入り、班業務をおこなっています。RAの組織図は下記の写真のようになっており、今回はRAM (RA Manager)であり、ISDAKの代表を務めているジミンRAに、小平寮に関するお話から個人的なお話までいろいろ伺ってきました!

PR team: Hi, nice to meet you. It’s a pleasure to have a chance to interview you today!
RA Jimin: Thanks for having me!
PR team: How are you doing?
RA Jimin: Ya, my graduation paper, seminar, part-time job. Just as usual
PR team: What is the support of your heart while you are busy?
RA Jimin: I always write down my feelings in sentences and helps me organize them. Especially when I am feeling moody.
And sometimes when I am lonely, I just talk with my friends or other RA. Working as RAM, I always have a chance to meet other RA. They always give me energy. Maybe the support of my heart is all my friends.
PR team: You really enjoy your work as RA and RAM
RA Jimin: Absolutely, talking with other RA saved me from the time I felt helpless.
PR team: I can see that you really like your jobs. Can you also tell me the most exhausting moment as RAM?
RA Jimin: Some problems take a long time to be solved. Some issues need negotiations with the university before they can be solved. Sometimes I feel helpless that I can't solve the problems immediately.
PR team: Can you also tell us your motto of being a leader?
RA Jimin: Sure! First and foremost, no micromanagement. I always want RAs could work freely without too many rules. It is important to encourage individuality.
Another motto is always being friendly. Talk with everyone regardless of their age or background. ISDAK is the only community at the university with people of all ages gather together. I hope ISDAK is a place where everyone can share their feelings and ideas freely.
PR team: So you'll graduate soon. What is your plan before graduation?
RA Jimin: I have many plans for the rest of my life. Like traveling, reading, and watching movies. But more important is to record all of them. For example, making film reviews and travel reviews. It's important to write down my feelings when I am still a student. So I can remember them after I graduated. Also, my hobbies.
PR team: Definitely!
RA Jimin: There are a lot of things that only we feel at that time. There was a time when I was all happy without thinking. It was fun, no lie. But everything turned different after my job hunting. I just want to record all the changes. It is also important to do so.
PR team: If you can travel with other RAs, where'll you go?
RA Jimin: Shikoku. Enjoying the food and nature there with other RA. Or it'll be best if you can go on a little hiking trip. Many RAs are active people who love nature.
PR team: It sounds fun. Please let me join!
PR team: Many RAs say that you are a fashionable person. Can you give us some fashion tips?
RA Jimin: It's so glad to hear that. Maybe read fashion magazines and keep checking the latest fashion trends. But I prefer secondhand clothing rather than the latest clothing. You know, I don't want to wear the same clothes with others.
PR team: Amazing!
PR team: Thank you so much. It was good to talk with you.
Year4 student from Hitotsubashi University, From Korea. Working as RAM from April 2023.
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