I’m a barbie girl, in the ISDAK world
The autumn semester has started with the cold breeze of the new season~ It was super hot this year during summer so I guess this might be a good time to go explore Tokyo :)
Actually last Sunday was our dormitory’s welcome party. Though it’s named “Welcome party”, anyone, not only new residents, are also welcomed. We had a party under the theme of “Barbie” with the pink dress code. I’m so elated to see everyone wearing pink stuff, that really brightened up my day!
We had a small game of “human bingo” in which you have to go find the right person and get their names to fill your bingo card. That was a brilliant idea to make new friends! After the game there were performances from clubs in Hitotsubashi university including, Hawaiian dance Papalina, juggling club, SPICA cover dance club, and cheer club. Especially the magician show, that literally blew my mind. I can’t explain how thrilled I was during the event. Apart from all these exciting shows, we also had a DJ session for all the dance souls in the room.
言うまでもなく、これがISDAKの魅力のひとつなんです♡ このブログを通じてISDAKのことをもっと知ってもらえたら嬉しいです:)

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